Help refugee children in Europe

The Syrian conflict started seven years ago and the humanitarian situation is worse than ever. The children are affected the most - after experiencing fear and violence every day because of air raids, now they have to survive in refugee camps where there is no access to food, safe spaces or education.

By giving just 1'0 you can help Save the Children to continue to help children, who are without doubt the most defenceless victims of war.

What is Save the Children doing to help in this crisis?

The organisation and its volunteers provide aid to children and their families in many ways: Save the Children is currently working alongside refuges in Italy and Spain; with education programmes in Greece and Macedonia; and giving our hygiene kits, food and care in Serbia, as well as facilitating safe play and learning areas for children.

What has been achieved so far?

Thanks to the donations made by Vueling customers, Save the Children has changed the future of 5,500 children, teenagers and mothers who live or have lived in their supports centres or refugee camps. In Greece they have given out food and emotional support, and created safe spaces for breastfeeding mothers and their babies, and an education programme has been implemented for children. In Italy and Germany they have worked alongside refuges to help preserve children's rights and they have also saved lives in the Mediterranean Sea.

Save the Children

Save the Children is an independent organisation that has been fighting to protect children's rights all over the world since 1919. They work in more than 120 countries, and within the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, they provide safety and protection to the most vulnerable children. more info