Whether you travel a lot or a little, we've made this club for you. Sign up and enjoy all the benefits! Get more out of your trips and purchases by collecting Avios.
Plus, every time you fly, you'll be one step closer to becoming a Premium member
If you have Vueling Visa or Vueling UP! Visa you get much more.
Your Avios will not expire, as long as you don't spend 3 years without using them or continuing to collect them.
Advertisement: *Card issued by hybrid entity CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C. E.P., S.A.U., with Tax ID Number A-08980153 and registered with the Bank of Spain's official register of institutions with code 8776. CaixaBank, S.A. is the card issuer. The system chosen by CaixaBank Payments & Consumer to protect the funds of customers using the payment services is the deposit in a separate account opened with CaixaBank, S.A. The granting of credit cards is subject to the analysis of solvency and of the applicant's ability to pay back the credit, according to the risk policies of CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C. E.P., S.A.U.
1. Avios do not expire, unless you go 3 years without using or earning Avios.