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- Use of electronic devices policy
Use of electronic devices policy
- The acronym PED means: Portable Electronic Device. The following list enclose all the approved PEDs in any Vueling aircraft:
- Mobile phones / smartphones
- Electronic tablets
- Electronic and personal noise cancel headphones
- MP3, MP4… and music digital players
- Handheld portable electronic games
- Laptops and notebooks
- E-readers
- Personal photo and video cameras (not professional)
- Handheld DVD/CD players
Transport of medical electronic devices needed to maintain physiological functions of passengers, is allowed only if those devices do not transmit or have a transmitter mode.
- It is forbidden in any aircraft of Vueling to use any type of electronic cigarette.
- Any type of PED (including any electronic cigarette) may not be used during refueling or defueling. They must also be turned off, even if they have "airplane / flight mode".
- Mobile phones and other PED with antenna or otherwise emit electromagnetic waves may be used aboard any aircraft of Vueling whenever the doors are open. Within the above devices, are included all devices that can send or receive calls, text messages, photos or any type network messaging services.
- The use of Bluetooth or WiFi on any device is forbidden throughout the entire flight (including Bluetooth headphones, peripheral keyboards and remote control devices, amongst others).
- During any phase of the flight, the commander may order to stow and to switch off any PED on-board in the case of suspected interference or anomalies detected in the aircraft systems operation (even when if PEDs have any “airplane / flight mode” option).
Also IS not allowed to use any kind of personal headphones on the seats placed in the rows located in the emergency exits during critical phases of flight (taxiing, take-off and landing).
Electronic devices that are checked in with your luggage must be turned off and duly protected at all times to prevent damage or being accidentally turned on. They should also not be placed in the luggage together with flammable products such as aerosols, perfumes, etc.
Extended use of electronic devices on-board
Phase |
Handheld PEDs |
Larger PEDs |
Personal headphones with cord |
WIFI, text and phone call functions |
Boarding |
Extended departure ground delay (1) |
Taxi-out (2) |
Take-off (2) |
Cruise (2) |
From 10 minutes to landing PA (2) |
Landing (2) |
Taxi-in (2) |
Notes: (1): prior the commander approval; (2): with “flight/aircraft mode” enabled.